Themes for Forum Categories & possible Zoom meetings 11-23
Studying the Whiteboard notes taken down during the Sahavas discussion, we can begin to categorise these into themes.
Theme MB: Things we can do to increase peoples awareness of Meher Baba
Theme A+: Things we can do to increase peoples awareness of Avatar’s Abode (or similar Baba centres such as Meher House)
Theme NP: Things we can do regarding new people
Theme NPA+: Things we can do regarding new people at Avatar’s Abode (or any place with a Baba group and regular meetings)
Theme S+: Service we can offer as part of the Avatar’s Abode community or other Baba groups in other locations
Grouping all the Whiteboard suggestions into themes (some overlapping):
Theme MB: Things we can do to increase peoples awareness of Meher Baba:
Baba’s Image and name more publicly available
Advertising -Buses etc - images and or quotes of Baba
Tell people (one on one) about Meher Baba
Woodford and other local festivals - free cards etc - information booth etc
Open virtual meetings - once / month
Mischievous Chicken - AVATAR MEHER BABA Something you put on your back window - clear background
Social media set up with Baba quotes daily (weekly or some regular schedule)
Baba's face + name - out there (various media)
Regular open meetings (Zoom) online Q & A etc
Bumper stickers
University presentations or other public events
Re-print old Baba quotes, cards with fresh contemporary design
Olympics strategies 2032 - world will be coming to Qld, including world media, begin planning now for highlighting Baba and Abode
Theme A+: Things we can do to increase peoples awareness of Avatar’s Abode (or similar Baba centres such as Meher House):
Invitations to local media to come to the Abode to report about the Abode and Meher Baba
Invitations to locals to visit Abode on Open days and socials
Open days AAAnniversary - Sunday - with public in view
Tell people about Avatars Abode
Social media - invite community to Sunday coffee mornings including a simple tour, event listed on website as well
Kids day on the Abode open to the public
Choir concert open to public
Charitable work - such as: Christmas for poor - feeding homeless - AU Day event etc
BBQ for volunteers - encouraging more to volunteer by making working fun - acknowledge their work at the event
Share, regular updates about what’s going on regarding work projects and volunteers activities on the Abode on social media and Abode website
Get Avatar's Abode listed in the Sunshine Coast-Heritage Guide cultural tourism listing
Signage at Kiels Mt Rd and Meher Rd - $1,000 for sign
Signage Avatar’s Abode at Bruce Hwy
Signage at Kiels Mt Rd and Meher Rd
Large to medium size Signage at the gate entry of Avatar’s Abode with information for visitors, such as manned visiting hours or tours
Service activities organised thru the Abode (+other groups) for local community eg: visiting aged care homes
Annual Open day event
Meals for homeless, prepared on the Abode taken to homeless areas
Broaden our readiness to receive/support visitors an interested new people - programs specifically for new people
Introductory info programs held regularly (monthly?) designed specifically for new people - announced on social media, Abode (other+) website
Public holiday events - announced with media
Social media newsletter about Baba activities in Australia New Zealand: Abode, Meher House etc
Concerts open to public
Organise volunteer support or set up new paid position to receive visitor’s on Abode, a defined schedule listed on Abode website, and new signage
Film Night advertised media
Anniversary Sunday - during Annual Abode Anniversary, full day program designed for public visitors. Using ‘family’ regular gatherings to fine tune this
Regular open meetings (Zoom) online Q & A etc
Contacting local churches, temples etc, highlighting our shared values - inviting them to visit Avatar’s Abode for special occasion, tour, meal?
Olympics strategies 2032 - Sunshine Coast will be housing Olympic events
Theme NP: Things we can do regarding new people:
Woodford and other local large festivals or events - information booth - free cards, flyers, videos on display etc
Telling people about Meher Baba
University or similar public event presentations
Regular open to public meetings (Zoom) online with Q & A etc
Film Night advertised social media, Abode (other+) website
Social media platforms as tools to present information about Meher Baba, quotes, videos, stories etc
Theme NPA+: Things we can do regarding new people at Avatar’s Abode (or any place with a group and regular meetings):
Broaden our readiness to receive/support visitors an interested new people
Monthly Info programs designed for new people - also announced on social media
Open days annually Abode, Meher House etc
Invitations to locals to visit Abode on Open days and socials, Sunday coffees etc- using social media, Abode, (other+) websites
Open days AAAnniversary - Sunday - invite public - social media, Abode website
Social media - invite community to Sunday coffee mornings
Monthly Film Night program content advertised on social media, Abode website, Meher House + websites
Contacting local churches, temples etc, highlighting our shared values - inviting them to visit Avatar’s Abode, Meher House etc
Theme S+: Service we can offer as part of the Avatar’s Abode community or other Baba groups in other locations
Choir concerts open to public on the Abode, or taken to public locations (aged care homes, etc) - invitations social media, AA website, etc
Service work - such as: Christmas for poor - feeding homeless - AU Day event
Regular BBQ event celebrating Abode volunteers - encouraging volunteering by making working fun - acknowledging their work
Service activities connected to local community eg: visiting aged care homes, hospitals, jails etc, with entertainment or individual attention, meals for homeless etc