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WhiteBoard Themes

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

Themes for Forum Categories & possible Zoom meetings 11-23

Studying the Whiteboard notes taken down during the Sahavas discussion, we can begin to categorise these into themes.

Theme MB: Things we can do to increase peoples awareness of Meher Baba 

Theme A+: Things we can do to increase peoples awareness of Avatar’s Abode (or similar Baba centres such as Meher House)

Theme NP: Things we can do regarding new people

Theme NPA+: Things we can do regarding new people at Avatar’s Abode (or any place with a Baba group and regular meetings)

Theme S+: Service we can offer as part of the Avatar’s Abode community or other Baba groups in other locations 

Grouping all the Whiteboard suggestions into themes (some overlapping):

Theme MB: Things we can do to increase peoples awareness of Meher Baba:

  • Baba’s Image and name more publicly available

  • Advertising -Buses etc - images and or quotes of Baba

  • Tell people (one on one) about Meher Baba

  • Woodford and other local festivals - free cards etc - information booth etc

  • Open virtual meetings - once / month

  • Mischievous Chicken - AVATAR MEHER BABA                                                      Something you put on your back window - clear background

  • Social media set up with Baba quotes daily (weekly or some regular schedule)

  • Baba's face + name - out there (various media)

  • Regular open meetings (Zoom) online Q & A etc

  • Bumper stickers

  • University presentations or other public events

  • Re-print old Baba quotes, cards with fresh contemporary design

  • Olympics strategies 2032 - world will be coming to Qld, including world media, begin planning now for highlighting Baba and Abode

Theme A+: Things we can do to increase peoples awareness of Avatar’s Abode (or similar Baba centres such as Meher House):

  • Invitations to local media to come to the Abode to report about the Abode and Meher Baba

  • Invitations to locals to visit Abode on Open days and socials

  • Open days AAAnniversary - Sunday - with public in view

  • Tell people about Avatars Abode

  • Social media - invite community to Sunday coffee mornings including a simple tour, event listed on website as well

  • Kids day on the Abode open to the public

  • Choir concert open to public

  • Charitable work - such as: Christmas for poor - feeding homeless - AU Day event etc

  • BBQ for volunteers - encouraging more to volunteer by making working fun - acknowledge their work at the event

  • Share, regular updates about what’s going on regarding work projects and volunteers activities on the Abode on social media and Abode website

  • Get Avatar's Abode listed in the Sunshine Coast-Heritage Guide cultural tourism listing 

  • Signage at Kiels Mt Rd and Meher Rd - $1,000 for sign 

  • Signage Avatar’s Abode at Bruce Hwy

  • Signage at Kiels Mt Rd and Meher Rd

  • Large to medium size Signage at the gate entry of Avatar’s Abode with information for visitors, such as manned visiting hours or tours

  • Service activities organised thru the Abode (+other groups) for local community eg: visiting aged care homes

  • Annual Open day event 

  • Meals for homeless, prepared on the Abode taken to homeless areas

  • Broaden our readiness to receive/support visitors an interested new people - programs specifically for new people

  • Introductory info programs held regularly (monthly?) designed specifically for new people - announced on social media, Abode (other+) website

  • Public holiday events - announced with media

  • Social media newsletter about Baba activities in Australia New Zealand: Abode, Meher House etc

  • Concerts open to public

  • Organise volunteer support or set up new paid position to receive visitor’s on Abode, a defined schedule listed on Abode website, and new signage  

  • Film Night advertised media

  • Anniversary Sunday - during Annual Abode Anniversary, full day program designed for public visitors. Using ‘family’ regular gatherings to fine tune this

  • Regular open meetings (Zoom) online Q & A etc

  • Contacting local churches, temples etc, highlighting our shared values - inviting them to visit Avatar’s Abode for special occasion, tour, meal?

  • Olympics strategies 2032 - Sunshine Coast will be housing Olympic events

Theme NP: Things we can do regarding new people:

  • Woodford and other local large festivals or events - information booth - free cards, flyers, videos on display etc

  • Telling people about Meher Baba

  • University or similar public event presentations

  • Regular open to public meetings (Zoom) online with Q & A etc

  • Film Night advertised social media, Abode (other+) website

  • Social media platforms as tools to present information about Meher Baba, quotes, videos, stories etc

Theme NPA+: Things we can do regarding new people at Avatar’s Abode (or any place with a group and regular meetings):

  • Broaden our readiness to receive/support visitors an interested new people

  • Monthly Info programs designed for new people - also announced on social media

  • Open days annually Abode, Meher House etc

  • Invitations to locals to visit Abode on Open days and socials, Sunday coffees etc- using social media, Abode, (other+) websites

  • Open days AAAnniversary - Sunday - invite public - social media, Abode website

  • Social media - invite community to Sunday coffee mornings

  • Monthly Film Night program content advertised on social media, Abode website, Meher House + websites

  • Contacting local churches, temples etc, highlighting our shared values - inviting them to visit Avatar’s Abode, Meher House etc

Theme S+: Service we can offer as part of the Avatar’s Abode community or other Baba groups in other locations

  • Choir concerts open to public on the Abode, or taken to public locations (aged care homes, etc) - invitations social media, AA website, etc

  • Service work - such as: Christmas for poor - feeding homeless - AU Day event

  • Regular BBQ event celebrating Abode volunteers - encouraging volunteering by making working fun - acknowledging their work

  • Service activities connected to local community eg: visiting aged care homes, hospitals, jails etc, with entertainment or individual attention, meals for homeless etc

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