Members Guidelines
The purpose of "Groups" is to offer a place to communicate with like minded individuals by joining or forming a Group suited to your interests. You can ask questions or form working teams etc etc. Privacy and common curtesy please, for everyone's protection and mutual benefit.
The purpose of the Members "Forum" and "Blog", is to offer a place for healthy and useful dialogue for those seeking ways to improve an awareness of Meher Baba in Australia and New Zealand, as well as ways to welcome, assist and support those who are beginning their journey with Meher Baba.
In order to assure that a respectful and healthy dialogue is maintained in the Forum there needs to be clearly stated conditions for sharing in this experience; please review the Forum Guidelines below. If you feel these are incompatible for your needs, please feel free to use other platforms that are widely available elsewhere.
Forum Guidelines
To maintain a healthy, positive, and respectful dialogue, please observe the following:
Abuse or Aggression
We all can feel strongly about our positions and can naturally become annoyed if someone disagrees with what we may feel is the correct response, however on this site there will be zero tolerance for abusive personal attacks of any kind.
Our Forum is dedicated to Meher Baba and as such it needs to maintain a level of civility and harmony that would be acceptable and pleasing to Baba. There is no purpose in discussing ways of sharing Baba if we ourselves can not try to work together for Baba in a respectful and loving manner.
No Backbiting
Sometimes when looking at what occurred in the past we may feel that person X or Y did not handling themselves or a situation very well, or worse. We may express our frustrations around this to others, they then may pick up on our negativity, while still others may remember the situation completely differently! Before you know it we are locked into opposing camps, where we can remain stuck for decades.
As stated earlier, this site and Forum are dedicated to Meher Baba, and to move forward we are compelled to let go of the past or remain trapped in it. Therefore I plead with all members to not succumb to backbiting and negative regurgitations of past hurts or missteps by others.
Yes, we may sometimes need to look critically at how something was done that may not now serve us in the present, but we can do this without making it personal. Instead, after pointing out the perceived problem, focus on ways we might be able move forward together.
As we are encouraged to speak openly and constructively, one service we can give to each other is to maintain a shared privacy pact. Therefore all members are required to keep what is shared on this Forum as private, safe and secure, confident that it won't be copied or quoted elsewhere without the expressed permission of the author.
Points raised may at times only be shared when withholding completely the identity of the author. But the preference would always be to first discuss your interest in using (even anonymously) their statements or conversations with the author.
Stay Focused
There are many issues we are all concerned about, some may be personal or even global, but this Forum's sole purpose is to focus on improving an awareness of Meher Baba, and on welcoming new people to Baba; that's it. This will naturally cover a wide range of interconnected topics that play their part as pieces of the puzzle. By limiting ourselves to our primary goals, the intention is to maintain our focus and our energies. There are multiple venues available, such as Facebook etc, for expressing yourself on many other topics.
Although one hopes it will never happen; any post deemed abusive or aggressive, containing personal attacks or backbiting, or posting extraneous subject matter, these will be deleted and a warning sent to the poster. If this were to continue after sufficient warnings, the member would no longer be permitted to post, and finally if needed, their membership would be declined. Let's hope this never needs to occur.
Jai Baba
Jim F. - Site Administrator