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Find a local Meher Baba Contact in Australia and New Zealand

How to Use Hub Connections


First - YOUR Privacy when using Hubs:

No one will ever contact you other than to respond to a request made by you. You will never be cold-called, harassed or your details shared with anyone. This is our promise to you. You will never be asked for money or for any personal information. Anything you may decide to share with a Contact will be kept strictly confidential between the two of you.


All Hub Contacts are volunteers so please allow some time for them to reply. Each Contact has chosen their preferred contact method (Text, Email, Social Media). If using your phone to connect please start by send a brief text message stating your request for a reply.


To find a Contact:

Select a Location Pin below, it will take you to a Contact's page for their information and how to connect.


Scroll down this page and locate and select a Contact from their declared location.

Find Your Contact

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The Original Texter (1932!)

Baba House door matt_edited.jpg
Baba House door matt_edited.jpg
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