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Long Distance

Public·6 friends

Calling you Long Distance! A space to connect and share about your experience of being on your own out there, sharing your thoughts, media, Baba stories or just be in touch.

I enjoy learning to rely more and more on my personal connection with Baba so that I don’t feel isolated. But I also love staying connected with my Baba friends and community through social media, video or phone chats and YouTube talks. I’m also making it a priority in my life to travel to Baba gatherings, Avatar’s Abode and Baba friends as much as possible. Even though I live a long way from any Baba groups, Baba’s given me various ways to be involved and this has given me a lot of joy.

Jennifer Keating
Unknown member
Jan 23

Well said Peta, it’s nice when we can have the yin and yang balance. Being private and within your relationships with Baba, and likewise at times mingling and sharing the love.


I have spent years in the past, physically isolated from other followers of Meher Baba. I know the feeling and I'm here to reach out. I now live in Australia.

Jim Frisino
Unknown member
Feb 12

Hi "M", are you the famous "M" from the James Bond films? Just being a bit cheeky...:-) . I'm afraid I'm now late at getting around to greeting people, guess you could say I've beed on a slow burn, needed to regather myself. Anyway this isn't about me, wondering to know more about you? I appreciate your offer to be there as a support to anyone feeling isolated, that's a perfect response and totally relevant for this Group. Where in AU are you these days and where have you relocated from? Of course feel free to remain a mystery, I'm just naturally curious and also wanting to welcome each person to the site. This is all an adventure into the unknown, but as they say nothing ventured nothing gained. Jai Baba!

Jim Frisino
December 17, 2023 · changed the group description.

You are along way from other Baba people, here's a Group to talk about your experiences, issues, dramas and delights about being with Meher Baba long distance!


    You are along way from other Baba people, here's a Group to ...
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