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Hi Peta, Brian, Kay, Cheryl, Harold, Evie and Behroz! Good to see you all adding your energies to the site! Are any of you doing anything special for Baba's Birthday? Here near Avatar's Abode I was in Baba's room a few days ago and for no apparent reason started thinking of the movie Life of Brian, and then it occurred to me that there could be a few funny skits in there that maybe could be put together for Baba's Birthday. The mishearing of the Sermon on the Mount, the Stoning of the blashfemer, Brian's attempt to deny he is the Messiah ("He's NOT the Messiah, he's just a naughty boy!!"). I'm passing the idea on to some young ones to see if they feel inclined. We'll see what happens.

Annette Harloff
Cheryl "Commissioner"
Unknown member
Feb 11

Jim, that's a great idea. I loved that movie when it came out but need a refresher to remember the scenes you refer to. I do remember one scenc where he is running from the mob and jumps into a hole and steps on a yogi who was keeping silence. That made me think of Baba. We are planning a musical performance and potluck lunch here at Meher House in Sydney for Baba's B-day.


For a period of two years, beginning in 1949, Meher Baba, with a few companions, demonstrated a life of complete dependence on God, wandering through India and begging for their food. Baba once said about this "New Life" that "it is endless, and .....will be kept alive by those who live the life of complete renunciation of falsehood, lies, hatred, anger, greed and those who rely wholly and solely on God, and who love God purely for the sake of loving." From - "Who is Avatar Meher Baba? A Biographical Sketch"

Unknown member
Feb 10

Hi Behroz, I just left you a comment on the Kiwis page about a silmiliar quote, so I won't repeat that here, except for the lines as best as I remember them, and since there are a few more folks here, perhaps someone might have a clearer memory than mine. I tried to quote Jim Meyer's song (can't remember the name, maybe someone can??) What your quote reminded me of were these lines from Jim "We are all living the New Life but only some have come to guess, that the meaning of all new strife holds the key to happiness". Does anyone know if these are the words, think they are fairly close?


Words that proceed from the source of Truth have real meaning. But when men speak these words as their own, the words become meaningless.

- Meher Baba -

Taken from the booklet "Who is Avatar Meher Baba? A Biographical Sketch

Unknown member
Feb 10

Yes it makes a great deal of sense. My apologies for a slow response, I’ve been a bit under the weather, one could say literally since we’ve been stuck in a hot period with high humidity, everyone is always tired! But in my case when i finally finish a big project I often physically crash, this happened after the Zoom. I had to leave everything in limbo until I could feel ready to re-enter. Today I’m taking a few steps back in the pool. Hope alls well with you, Jai Baba


The group for Everyone from Everywhere! No location required. A space to connect with each other and share all things Meher Baba.

Annette Harloff
Unknown member
Jan 08

Jai Baba Jim, I reside in Wellington, New Zealand and have been a Meher Baba lover for the past 5 years. Am soooo happy to note that finally we have online connectivity with many more people from the Baba community in Australia and New Zealand!!! Hooray!!!



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