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Meher Baba's Alphabet Board


Why Are We Here?

Is this not the ultimate question...

Why are we here, on this planet, living these lives?

But putting that aside for the moment,... Why is this site here, and also perhaps...

Why are you here on this site?


This site has Two Goals:



Goal #1: To assist anyone who wishes to learn more about Meher Baba, and in particular, those who call Australia and New Zealand home. To serve this goal there are two main features:



Like the central hub of a wheel, Hubs are volunteer contacts who serve as Meher Baba information centres for their specific local, they look forward to answering any questions or being of any assistance they can offer concerning Meher Baba.



Goal #2: To assist in facilitating connections and communication both for those new to Meher Baba and those interested in increasing an awareness of Meher Baba throughout Australia and New Zealand. To serve this goal there are three main interactive features:


Offers an opportunity to connect around shared interests and local communities, serving both those new to Meher Baba or those already connected to various groups or communities. A place to ask questions, set up activities, create working teams, or just connect with others interested in Meher Baba.


A working platform designed for those interested in collaborating online, focusing on projects specific to Meher Baba. The Forum offers a voice for those interested in joining discussions, sharing ideas, developing strategies, and working together to reach defined objectives.


An interactive feature containing relevant documents for those working on the Forum.



To participate in Groups, the Forum and the Blog requires Membership, this provides a level of security and added functionality. Any Members' details entered will serve only on this site and not for any other purpose, they will never be shared unless and only upon your request. See Site Membership for more information. We are not interested in collecting anyone's personal data or using it for any purpose whatsoever. Membership on this site simply offers the best format to facilitate these interactive features. No Membership is required to use Hubs for making a connection with a local Baba contact.



Oh, and regarding the question "Why are we here?" (...The BIG version)... 

Meher Baba has given a most simple and elegant answer;

That you are here to love God, and to know yourself as one with God. That this is the sole and divine purpose of our entire existence, as well as the underlying purpose for the existence of the entire universe!


So yeah, it's a really BIG question!


Jim F.

If you'd like to comment, need assistance or make contact:

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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